Welcome to Bristol Housing Authority We are open to the public Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 3:30 pm and Fridays, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.
▪ ALL business will be conducted by appointments, telephone, e-mail and/or fax.
▪ Residents may call during business hours for work orders at 401- 253-4464 X10 or for emergencies after hours and weekends at 401-253-6522.
If you are requesting an application for Benjamin Church Manor, you may print one from our website by clicking the “BCM Applicant Form Link” on the left-hand side of the screen. Scroll down to the Pre-Application Packet, right click on it and select print. If you would like one mailed to you, please call the office at 401-253-4464 ext. 12.
If you are requesting an application for the Housing Choice Voucher Program, please visit the RI Housing Authority Website at
*The first tenants moved into Benjamin Church Manor in 1970 – 2020 marks BHA’s 50th year serving the community.
The BHA Mission
To create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for individuals and families while promoting self sufficiency. We seek to provide housing opportunities, bolster the economy and protect consumers. We are committed to meeting the needs of our citizens and utilizing housing as a platform for improving their quality of life. Our effort shall encourage empowerment, enrich lives and energize the community of Bristol, Rhode Island. Applications may be obtained at 1014 Hope St Bristol, RI 02809.

Local Economic Impact FY-2019
Town of Bristol (PILOT Check) – $66,056
Payroll and Benefits – $717,658
Maintenance Supplies and Contracts – $221,882
Sewer Usage – $26,066
Housing Assistance Payments to Property Owners for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (rental assistance subsidies) – $1,282,208
Statement of Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
It is the policy of the BHA to fully comply with all Federal, State and local nondiscrimination laws. The Americans with Disabilities Act and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations governing Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. BHA shall affirmatively further fair housing in the administration of its public housing program.
No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, national or ethnic origin, familial status, or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under BHA programs.
BHA will assist any family that believes they have suffered illegal discrimination by providing copies of the appropriate housing discrimination forms. BHA will also assist them in completing the forms if requested, and will provide them with the address of the nearest HUD office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.